I found a tiny kitten, only a few days old, with an umbilical cord, when I came back from work Friday night. I took him to my vet and it turned out he had been badly injured at the side and one of his rear legs had swollen, twice as big as his normal leg. I don't know how long he had been abandoned there, but I heard him cry when I was opening my mail box. Such a tiny creature, black & white like my cats, lying on the newspapers in a cardboard box...
My vet said he might need a surgery to cut off the bad leg afterwards and that he might not survive. But I was optimistic when I heard him cry.
So it was quite a shock to me when my vet called me next morning to inform me that the little one did not make it. He weighed less than 100 grams.
I took him to Ekouin, a temple in Ryogoku, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, the following morning. Ekouin is well-known for accepting both humans and animals. Meme-chan (Chibi-chan's friend) and Kiki-chan (Chibi-chan's little cat brother) sleep there.
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